

However big you get… it’s very, very easy to believe you are the Second Coming, because frankly people treat you like it. And it’s very important, I think, to guard against believing it, ever. 


“It was worth a wound — it was worth many wounds — to know the depth of loyalty and love which lay behind that cold mask. For the one and only time I caught a glimpse of a great heart as well as of a great brain.”   x


Elrond + Galadriel – requested by anon


“How do you pick up the threads of an old life? How do you go on, when in your heart, you begin to understand, there is no going back? There are some things that time cannot mend. Some hurts that go too deep…that have taken hold.” 

I don’t know where I am. I just know I’m running. Sometimes it’s like I’ve lived a thousand lives in a thousand places. I’m born, I live, I die. And always there’s the Doctor. Always I’m running to save the Doctor. Again and again and again. And he hardly ever hears me, but I’ve always been there. Right from the very beginning. Right from the day he started running.